
30th Infantry Regiment

Emergency Troops of 1863. - Early in the summer of 1863,

rumors were constantly afloat concerning a threatened invasion

of border states by the Confederates and in June two new de-

partments were established by the war department - the Depart-

ment of the Monongahela and the Department of the Susquehan-

na - in order that the state might be protected from any such

movement of the enemy. Volunteers were called for by Gov.

Curtin to serve "During the pleasure of the president or the

continuance of the war." Slow to believe that their homes were

really endangered, the greatly reduced number of men available

for military service hesitated to respond. On June 12, the

governor published the notice that the troops requested would

be mustered into the service of the United States for six

months, or during the existing emergency, as they should

themselves elect. In a short time eight regiments were

mustered in for the "emergency" and became the 20th, 26th,

27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st and 33d emergency regiments.

Other companies and organizations volunteered their services

and need for them was soon found. The Confederates had occu-

pied Chambersburg and Gettysburg and when it was discovered

that the main body of their forces had actually crossed the

Potomac, another proclamation was issued by Gov. Curtin on June

26, calling for 60,000 men at once to be mustered into the

state service for a term of 90 days and to be discharged as

soon as the danger was over. To this urgent message twenty-

eight regiments responded and were organized in the two depart-

ments previously mentioned, at Huntingdon, Reading, Philadel-

phia and Harrisburg. A force under Gen. Knipe approached Cham-

bersburg, but found it in the hands of the enemy and was

obliged to retire gradually before the advance of Johnson's di-

vision of Ewell's corps. The Confederates reached Oyster

point, but were withdrawn to Gettysburg on account of the ad-

vance of the Army of the Potomac and within a few days was

fought the battle of Gettysburg. A portion of the militia

joined the Army of the Potomac in Maryland after the battle,

but were soon afterward returned to Harrisburg. The emergency

regiments were mustered out soon after the battle of Gettys-

burg, the regiments of militia a little later, various duties

within the state requiring their services for a short time.

Some were employed at Gettysburg, some at Philadelphia in

preserving order, and at other points they rendered valuable


Thirtieth Emergency Infantry.

Col., William N. Monies. This regiment was organized at

Harrisburg on June 25, 1863, to serve during the "Existing

emergency", and was mustered out at Harrisburg on July 26 and

27, 1863.

Source Information:

Historical Data Systems, comp.. American Civil War Regiments [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: MyFamily.com, Inc., 1999. Original data: Data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA from the following list of works. Copyright 1997-2000