Hannah Brumbaugh
Post date: Apr 23, 2010 11:34:30 PM
Hannah Brumbaugh (Jacob, Johannes Henrich) born Oct 27, 1775 and on July 17, 1794 married John Wineland. He was born in Virginia on May 1, 1769. John together with two of his brothers, Christian an Peter, went from Virginia to Morrison's Cove about 1780. Peter the father had eight children - Jacob, Christian, Peter, Abraham, John, Mary, Barbara, Magdalene. John and Hannah lived on the Christian Miller farm, where Rebecca Furnace was later erected about 1827, and also on the Samuel Mock farm near Millerstown. At the latter place is the Wineland family graveyard. John was a farmer, a plow maker, and often traveled from house to house mending shoes. It is related of him that upon one of these expeditions he saved his life by using a stout hickory club to drive off the wolves, which attacked him late one night. It is also related of him that he and Hannah did much of their courting in the harvest field, when he would hand her his sickle and bind back both his own and her swath, talking as they proceeded, and that sometimes they tarried long at the far end of the field - working all the harder on the return swaths.