John Brumbach
Post date: Apr 15, 2010 10:3:45 PM
[E4] John Brumbach ([E1] Johannes Henrich)
An article by James horn Camerer, who has shown much interest om his family history, is herewith reproduced:
"Editor Herald: - The first settlers of Martinsburg were John Brumbaugh and Daniel Camerer, both of H+Germanb descent. The following dates, in connection with their family history and time of coming this place, are taken from an old German Bible.
John Brumbaugh emigrated from Frederick Co., MD, to the Conococheague settlement in the year 1783. He did not come further at that time, for in those days it was dangerous to live far from the forts, on account of the Indians, and then the red men had possession of this territory. While Brumbaugh lived at Conococheague, Daniel Camerer, who came from the city of Worms, near the river Rhine; and who, like Brumbaugh, had settled near the Mason and Dixon line, married Brumbaugh's oldest daughter, Margaret Brumbaugh, who was then 20 years of aage and her husband a few years her senior, he having been born in 1760. At that time Mr. Brumbaugh and his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Metzker, had two dauthters, the younger of whom after their coming to this place became the wife of a man by the name of Kensinger.
John Brumbaugh, wife and younger daughter and a boy living with them, came by way of Fort Louden adn Fort Bedford, and on to where Martinsburg is located, then a wilderness densely covered with timber. Having the pick of th land he located here. He went back to Bedford and procured a warrant for 1500 acres of land, March 14, 1785. The Indians were then leaving this part of the country. Some time afterwards he employed a surveyor and had the land surveyed. Later, September 7, 1792, patent for the land was issued to him by the Penns, which I have in my possession, but he held a warrant for the land during the seven preceding years.
After living here some time another daughter was born in the Brumbaugh family, Lydia Ann, who afterwards became the wife of John Stoner. I here relate an incident in the life of Mr. adn Mrs. Brumbaugh. While they were living in Frederick Co., MD, a company of Scoth Highlanders who had a small child, a boy, in their possession, left the child alone on the door step of the Brumbaugh home. Mr. Brumbaugh and wife took him in and brought the boy with them to their new home in the wilderness, or far west, as this locality was then called. They named the boy Brumbaugh. It was never known to them how the Highlanders got possession of the child. When he grew to manhood he learned to play the violin and was nick-named 'Filddler Jack.'
The first house John Brumbaugh built was north of the 'Y,' where three pear trees are still standing. The second house he built was nearer the site of Martinsburg, near the present stone house the Hagey-Clapper farm, formerly known as the Stoner homestead.
A few years after John Brumbaugh came here, Daniel Cramerer and wife and two children came to the 'Cove.' Having heard from his father-in-law, John Brumbaugh, they sold their house and farms, and with their stock and household goods emigrated to this place.
While Daniel Camerer and his wife lived at Conococheague Creek near the Mason and Dixon line, he built a house there, and I am told by good authority, a man who was there and saw the house, that his name, 'Kammerer,' for that was the German way of spelling the name, is cut on a large stone above the door. The house is yet standing, and anyone going there can see the stone bearing his name. While living in this house Mr. and Mrs, Camerer becam parents of two children, a daughter and son, Hannah Camerer born January 28, 1792, and David Camerer, born July, 1794. When Cramerer family landed here they had a large amount of money and stock, and for years were regarded as amongst the wealthiest of early settlers.
Daniel Camerer purchased 700 acres of land from his father-in-law, John Brumbaugh, thereby obtaining the present town site of Martinsburg. The deed for this land was made November 1, 1799, and can be seen at the home of the writer. A recorded copy of the deed can also be seen in Bedfor, at the court house, Book No 19, Page 62, this territory then being a part of Bedford county. Aside from the borough of Martinsburg, this 700 acres of land purchased by Daniel Camerer is divided into tracts, beginning at the north: ...
Daniel Camerer and wife were the parents of eleven children, nine of them being born after they emigrated from Conococheague ... These are all dead and all buried in Spring Hope Cemeery, except two, Louis, buried at Steubenville, OH, and Mary, wife of Jesse Speelman, buried at Cherrytree, Indiana County, PA. ... I have no record of the death of John Brumbaugh and wife, but both are buried in Spring Hope Cemetery. Daniel Camerer was aged 73 years when he died and his wife, Margaret, was aged 69 years at her death.
Mrs, Daniel Canerer was a member of the Church of the Brethren, then known as the German Baptist Church, and her sons John and Jamaes Camerer, built the first German Baptist Church at Martinsburg, both being identified with the same church early in life. ... Yarach Brumbaugh, who lived at James Creek, was also one of the early ministers of the church, crossing the Tussey mountains to hold services in the Cove."
James H Camerer