Howard Brumbaugh Vol 309, Page 628
Date: August 16, 1931
Location: Randolph Twp,. Portage Co., Ohio
Grantor: Howard and Effie Brumbaugh
Grantee: Alford M. Howes, Trustee
Acres: about 28
Price: $1.00
Description: being part of Township Lot Number 10 bounded according to the County Auditor's Tax Map as follows: On the west by lands of D. Bryan, et al; on the north by lands of Henry P. Brumbaugh; on the east by lands of Earl and Florence Knsley; and on the south by the south line of Lot No 10, but excepting 31/40 of an acre on the southwest part of the above described premises conveyed to Samuel Brumbaugh by deed recorded in Portage County records Volume 182, Page 477, and more recently owned by Henry Yoder, leaving after excepting said 31/40 of an acre about 28 acres of land.
Alfred M. Howes, Trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of Howard Brumbaugh/bankrupt the Grantee.