Fall Family Pictures
Post date: Apr 23, 2010 11:51:14 PM
Picture taken at funeral of Leah Royer Fall's funeral in 1937
Back Row Left to Right:
Herb Fall, Edgar Fall, Will Fall, Burleigh Fall, John Fall
Front Row Left to Right:
Effie Fall Brumbaugh, Minnie Fall Tomphson, Margaret Fall Smith, Nora Fall Kannel, Verna Fall Strebie, Kate Fall Schumacher,
Leah Fall is the 4th in from the left wearing the bonnet. She and her group are posing for this picture at Devil's Den, Gettysburg Battlefield, PA. Leah's husband Isaac Fall was with the Pennsylvania 30th Volunteer Regiment, Company I at the Battle of Gettysburg.
They attended the 1912 Church of of the Brethren Annual Conference at York, PA. After their visit to the Battlefield, they returned by train to the Hartville, Ohio area.
Back: William, Edgar, Minnie, Katie, Nora, Maggie, John, Effie
Front: Herbert, Charles, Isaac, Leah, Alverna